Practical guidance
This guidance section is intended to equip you with the necessary resources to support menopause in your workplace.
Access a range of multimedia and downloadable resources that are both relevant and informative, enabling you to overcome any obstacles you may encounter.

Guides and top tips
- A guide to menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace aims to support the health and well-being of all employees who menstruate or experience peri/menopause (British Standard BS 30416).
- ‘The little book of menstruation, menstrual health and menopause – BSI’: an introduction to the topic to enable employers of all sizes to initiate discussions around menopause and menstrual health.
- Guide for people managers – CIPD Menopause at work: how to support employees through the menopause.
- Menopause at work – Managing the menopause (Acas): information on managing the menopause, supporting staff, talking with staff and menopause and the law.
- 6 things all managers need to know about the menopause (CMI): what’s the impact? How should you approach employees about it? Answers to these questions and more.
- Top tips for managing menopause in the workplace (CMI): what good support looks like for women experiencing menopause in the workplace.
- MENOPAUSE AT WORK – A guide for people professionals (CIPD): a guide is designed to support any employer wanting to develop a supportive framework for employees experiencing the menopause.
Downloadable resources
- Poster: Facts about the menopause – PDF document (Source: CIPD)
- Poster: Symptoms list – PDF document (Source: The Menopause Charity)
- Leaflet: Facts about the menopause – PDF document (Source: CIPD)
Multi-media resources
- Video: A guide to menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace (BSI)
- Podcast: Inclusive workplaces – supporting women through menopause (Acas)
- Videos: Menopause in the workplace: Guidance for employers (Equality and Human Rights Commission): These resources are designed to help employers understand their legal obligations in relation to supporting workers experiencing menopausal symptoms.