Hospitality sector – advice and information

Renowned for its fast-paced nature, customer interactions, and diverse workforce, the hospitality industry presents its own set of challenges when it comes to supporting employees through the menopausal transition.

Whether you’re managing a hotel, restaurant, or event venue, our platform offers tailored resources and best practices to help create a more understanding, accommodating, and inclusive workplace environment for all employees.

Top tips

  • Discuss possible adjustments to tasks and duties that are proving a challenge.
  • Allow someone to move around or stay mobile, if that helps.
  • Adapt uniforms for all workers to improve comfort- consider the material, colour and sizing.
  • Make it easy to request extra uniforms if needed.
  • Consider the opportunity to split or swap shifts on a temporary basis.
  • Make sanitary products available in washrooms.
  • Allow for more frequent breaks to go to the toilet.
  • Provide easy access to cold drinking water and washrooms.
  • Provide access to a rest room.
  • Encourage employees to discuss concerns at one-to-one meetings with their manager or supervisor and/or HR or occupational health.
  • Don’t make assumptions – everyone is different, so take your lead from the individual.
  • Recognise someone may need to take short-term absence if they have difficult symptoms.
  • Approach performance conversations supportively and positively.
  • Take any health issues fully into account where there is underperformance on the part of an individual.
  • Signpost to an employee assistance programme or counselling services if available.
  • Provide information at work to raise awareness and support around menopause, for example through posters and leaflets, in staff areas.

Empowering Conversations: Punch Pubs & Co commitment to menopause support at work

How did Punch Pubs & Co start providing menopause support in the workplace?

The journey began in 2021 when we realised the lack of information and provision around menopause. We initiated conversations and increased awareness within our company and the wider pub industry.

Recognising the diverse needs of our field and office-based employees as well as our Publicans, we strived to be inclusive in our support efforts.

Starting with sharing personal experiences through internal channels like ‘The Huddle’, we encouraged open dialogue and normalised discussions about menopause.

What additional initiatives have Punch Pubs Co implemented for their employees and Publicans?

We have enhanced internal policies, established a women’s wellbeing group with a menopause and menstrual health lead, trained menopause champions, introduced a menopause policy, provided line manager training, and adopted BSI menopause and menstrual health standards.

We have also hosted webinars, curated resources, and produced podcasts featuring experts in the field. These efforts aim to raise awareness, educate, and provide tangible support to our employees and Publicans.

Have there been any challenges in providing menopause support, and how has Punch Pubs Co addressed them?

One of the challenges faced was the dissemination of information. To overcome this, we utilised internal and external communication channels to make menopause support more accessible and visible within our pub community.

Events like ‘Menovist’ gatherings have been instrumental in raising awareness and connecting individuals with available support.

The journey from initial conversations to the current approach has empowered our workforce to discuss menopause openly and confidently.

Further help and support

Hospitality Action is a free, confidential advice and support service available for anyone working in the hospitality sector.

Hospitality Action Helpline: 0808 802 0282 – 24/7

EAP Assistance Line:

UK: 0808 802 2111 – 24/7

IRL: 1800 911 121 – 24/7