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See what business support and advice is available to help you start, grow and succeed.

Help for businesses like yours when you need it.

Find support from the UK Government and other sources here. 

Sign up today for Help to Grow: Management Essentials

Building on the success of the Help to Grow: Management Course, the new Help to Grow: Management Essentials course has been launched – a free self-guided online course which will include bite-sized videos and online resources covering different business topics.

Help to start up

Find out how to set up and register different types of businesses, employ people and explore funding.

Help to scale up and grow

Support including our Help to Grow Management Course, wider training and skills, mentorships, and finance and funding. 

Help with finance and funding

Explore finance and funding options including government backed loans, funding for R&D projects, support from the British Business Bank and more. 

Help to sell internationally

Find new opportunities to sell your products and services internationally and get specific export support through our guidance, training and support programmes

Help and advice

Contact the Business Support Helpline for general advice and support and speak to someone over the phone or online.

Or find out how your local growth hub can help you with advice and support at any stage of your business journey.

Business news

Government launches new free business management course for small businesses

    • Government has today launched Help to Grow: Management Essentials, a new online training course filled with practical advice and resources for small business leaders.
    • The free short course is an introductory version of the full Help to Grow: Management course to reach even more small businesses.

Middle aged woman working

Key New Legislation for Businesses

On 6th April 2024, new employment laws came into force for all businesses.

This included changes to flexible working rights; a new right to Carer’s Leave; additional redundancy protection for pregnant women and new parents and changes to Paternity Leave.

Making it easier to do business

We’re taking steps to remove barriers and make it easier to do business.

Check how you might benefit from recent tax changes

We recently announced some tax cuts to help businesses, including a business rates support package and changes to R&D tax reliefs.

Help with late payments and selling to the public sector

We’re making it easier to do business by tackling late payments and providing opportunities for SMEs to sell to the public sector.

Hear from businesses benefitting from government support

Support in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

If your business is based in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland there may be different or additional help available.